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Vision And Values

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Vision And Values

We see believers connected to Jesus and all His power, connected to each other in love, and connected to God-given dreams and purpose, living the best lives possible.


Devotion to Jesus in Word and Spirit.
Jesus Himself is the word. What could be more important than encountering Him in the word and applying it to our lives? As the word guides us, the spirit empowers us. The fruit of the spirit molds our character while the gifts of the spirit give us the ability to achieve what we humanly could not. We believe a balance of both word and spirit can change lives meaningfully.

God does everything by prayer and seemingly nothing without it. It’s our direct link to Jesus and to God the Father’s heart. In prayer, we kneel on God’s promises and stand on His word. Prayer unlocks the purposes of God and sends forth the Holy Spirit to perform the impossible.

Faith produces a positive attitude that is based on the word of God. It comes from knowing God’s promises and believing that He is faithful to them. Faith truly believes all things are possible with God and therefore possible to the one who believes.

Connecting people with Jesus is the heartbeat of the church. Jesus’ passion was to find and save all who were lost. That’s why everything we do is aimed at connecting people to Jesus and to one another. We believe that is the best way to equip people to live abundant lives according to the will of God.

Loving relationships.
God himself is relational – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit enjoy the most healthy, loving, joyful communion, one with another. Every man and woman is made in the image and likeness of God, and so we, too, will be fulfilled by connection with God and with one another. We believe true joy in life is found in meaningful, loving relationships.

The potential of people.
God believes in us and we believe in each other. All people have unique gifts, talents, personalities and experiences. They will live the best life possible when they use all of these to love God and serve others. We take every opportunity to help people discover, develop and be deployed into roles that are best for them and for the church.

Everyone’s call to ministry.
Every believer in Christ is called to serve. In the New Testament, the Greek word for minister and servant are the same. We value a culture of servanthood where everyone looks for opportunity to serve, give help and be fruitful for the great cause of the kingdom of God.

Go so loved the world that He gave. Generosity is one of the outstanding attributes of God. It is therefore one of the outstanding values that we uphold as his people. We are generous with our finances, time, talents and energy. In everything that is most important to us – we will give.

We value learning, growing and becoming the best we can be for the glory of God. So we choose to be teachable. We will decide to honor God-given authority – His word as well as leaders in the church and the world. We will honor all that God honors and bow our minds, hearts and wills to the Lord so that He can lead us into the best life possible.

Multiple generations of believers.
We greatly desire and are building a multi-generational church where the elder and the younger grow together by intentional relationship with each other. Older generations invest in the future kingdom of God by being spiritual fathers and mothers to the next generation. Their genuine desire is to see those lives go farther and faster than their own.