Give Joyfully!
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Giving above and beyond Tithes & Offering
For the last 15+ years, C3LI has sponsored the Vision Builders program. The priority for Vision Builders is to expand and beautify our church building so that we have a proper facility for our congregants, both current and future. We have experienced significant growth over the years and we never want to turn away someone seeking God’s salvation because we don’t have the room.
In past years, Vision Builder funds have allowed C3LI to become owners of our current building. It allowed us to beautify our building with renovations to the foyer, a newly created café area, expansion of our parking lot to accommodate more church attendees, new bathroom facilities and upgraded administrative offices. The pinnacle of our Vision Buiders funds is our new sanctuary that opened in October 2022.
Each year in the May time frame, the Church hosts a Vision Builders fundraiser to promote the program and looks to church members to prayerfully guarantee a pledge to the Vision Builders fund through a commitment card that can be completed online (Vision Builders option) or during Sunday service. A Vision Builders pledge can be a one-time gift or an annual pledge paid at a set frequency, or any time, throughout the year. The request is that if one makes a pledge, that they fulfill it sometime during the program year (June - May). The reason for this is that Vision Builders creates a budget for the upcoming year based on these pledges.
One of the Church’s missions is to “feed” and shepherd God’s sheep. Our goal is for all to seek, find and embrace God’s love in order to live their best life for His glory, and part of doing so is ensuring we have a proper building to accommodate the people and the related church programs to support an individual’s journey with God. We pray that you will join us in this important endeavor by committing to the upcoming year’s Vision Builders plan with an offering. We appreciate your generosity in advance! May God bless you richly.